Monthly Archives: August 2014

The Tulsa River Preview Event – Sept 28th

Please join Former Mayor Robert J. LaFortune, Author Ann Patton, Photographer Vernis Maxwell, and Editor Tracy LeGrand for a preview of their new book, The Tulsa River.

2 p.m. Sunday, September 28, 2014,
At the 41st and Riverside QuikTrip Pavilion, Tulsa River Parks.

Limited first-edition copies will be available for autographs and purchase, including autographs by the many Tulsans quoted in the book. This new book chronicles the legend and lore of the Arkansas River at Tulsa in its many seasons and moods. With foreword by former Mayor Robert J. LaFortune and 110 full-color pictures.

For more information, see
Or contact Ann Patton,, 918-527-0161